Year 5 and 6
Our topic for this term will be ‘Food’. The learners’ voice and
ideas are at the heart of the learning. We encourage you to
discuss the class activities with your child and to bring in any
relevant pictures, books, artefacts and ideas for guest speakers.
Here is an outline of what we will study in each subject:
Languages, Literacy and Communication: We study Welsh and
English in alternating blocks of a fortnight each. Our literacy
work will go hand in hand with our topic work as well as our class
novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl. The
writing genres for this term are: Recount, letter, invite, poster,
speech, instructions and rules.
Read Write Inc: The children will have Read Write Inc sessions
for twenty minutes daily to learn English spelling skills. I will be
listening to the children read, so it is important that they bring
their reading bags to school every day. Reading records will be
sent home, therefore when you read with your child, could you
please note down in the reading record. You are welcome to read
other books, magazines, newspaper with them.
Mathematics and Numeracy: The main aspects that we will study
this term will be: Addition and subtraction, multiplication and
division, place value, temperature, data/distribution, money,
mass, estimation and checking and arithmetical reasoning. In
addition to this we will practice mental maths, complete
Mathematic mats and develop our ability to reason.
Science and Technology: We will study the importance of food and
a balanced diet. Another unit of work we will be looking at the
effect of food on the body, the different food groups and how to
live healthily. We will also be developing our coding skills using
Hwb and Scratch coding programs.
Humanities: This term, we will be learning about where our food
comes from. We will be learning about food from Wales, and from
around the world. We will be looking at food within different
religions and about the food we eat at different occasions.
Expressive Arts: We will be emulating the work of the artist Paul
Cezanne. We will be drawing different foods, whilst concentrating
on colours and shadow. We will also be practicing and learning
songs towards our thanksgiving service and our Christmas Show.
Health and Wellbeing: Every Monday we do physical
activity/sports. We will also be looking at our mental health and
emotional well-being. We will be learning about the importance
of healthy eating and exercise, and how this helps our growth
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